Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You are Invited (& it's Invitation Only!)

You are invited to an exciting event on May 6th!Remember my dear friend, Millie Gaines, the very talented interior designer from New Orleans? Well Millie is hosting the most amazing event!
It is a night of art and antiques bringing together the beautiful antiques of Tara Shaw And the gorgeous contemporary artwork of Michelle Y Williams. It is invitation only, but if you email Millie here and tell her you are a reader of Willow Decor, she'll make sure you can attend.
It's going to held at Tara Shaw's showroom in New Orleans, usually only open to the trade - but on May 6th you will be able to browse and buy just like an insider!Even more exiting is that Michelle Y Williams contemporary paintings will also be shown (and available). The antiques and the contemporary artwork perfectly compliment each other!!
You know I am so sad that I can't attend - but don't let that stop you. And Millie will be there to chat and help you with your design questions (plus, she is so fun!!) So don't hesitate to grab a friend and have a fabulous girls night out.
Here are the details: Cocktail Reception on Thursday, May 6th at 5 PM at Tara Shaw Antiques, 1240 Camp Street, New Orleans. Remember it's invitation only so email Millie to get on the list! And don't forget to send pictures to me of the treasures you will undoubtedly find!!
Finally, I was tagged by my bloggy friend, Ness, over at Marley & Lockyer to show you the 10th photo in my inspiration file. Well I have dozen of files, so I took the 10th photo from my Built in Bed file. This magical bed prompted this popular post on Built in Beds - you can read it here. Stop over to Marley& Lockyer, visit Ness and see what other great inspiration photos she has uncovered from other friends.
And have fun at the Michelle Williams Event at Tara Shaw Antiques. Give Millie a hug for me!
(Email Millie at

(all photos Tara Shaw, Michele Y Williams, Cote de Texas, Marie Claire Maison, Willow Decor)


  1. Fabulous, as though one needed yet another reason to visit New Orleans...


  2. Rarely do I say these words... but I so wish I weren't in Europe right now! It sounds like a fab event! Have a ball!

  3. If only I lived closer, sigh... seems like a wonderful event. xo

  4. looks like a great event Gina. Pitty I am so far away. Thank you so much for showing your 10th photo too. What a cute built in bed.
    Ness xx

  5. Too bad I am not even remotely close to this fun event! And, I love built in beds like that!

  6. Amazing event!
    I'm long overdue for a trip back to one of my favorite cities on Earth.

    And you are so right, the art only serves to enhance the beauty of these timeless pieces.

    Have a beautiful Wednesday!

  7. What an amazing event!!! And, the built in bed...ahh...I will have to go back to your archives and so some reading!

  8. If only I lived near New Orleans! I would be there in a heartbeat. I love open houses, for ideas and to search out wonderful treasures!
    I would also love to dig through your idea file... but then again, my head might explode!
    So fun to visit you today1

  9. Millie, what a treat fabulous designer, Tara Shaw plus Williams art, I wish I could be there!

    Art by Karena

  10. That built in bed is unlike any I've seen.
    It looks like it belongs on very large old sailing yacht.

  11. Love antiques combined with contemporary art. I only wish I lived nearby. Alas, Pennsylvania is a "fur piece" from New Orleans. By the way, in a post I did last week, I featured a built in bed... and the post I put up today features 7 steps to painting your own original abstracts. Come over for a look. I'm a new blogger and would love the traffic! :)

  12. Wow, these pictures are just amazing. I like them all.

  13. Oh, I so wish I could just jump on a plane and visit Tara Shaw and those beautiful paintings....
    New Orleans.... yes....Oh well!
    I love your built-in beds. The remind me of ship bunks...


  14. Thanks so much for saying hello! I only started the blog for my close friends and family and am not really a pro at it yet..I love your gustavian look - it's so cozy! When you are in New Orleans please promise to visit!

  15. She dropped off an invitation for us at perch., and we hope to stop by.
    xo xo

  16. Why is new Orleans sooooo far of Belgium!!!!
    Must be gorgeous to be there!

  17. I think I'm in love with Tara Shaw! Her style of contemporary art evokes such emotions...I'm going to follow her! I'd love to be in the Big Easy this week to see the show....hey, its' only an airplane ride away, huh? Thanks for introducing me to Tara. I'm a fan.

  18. You are the reason that I found Michelle Williams! THANK YOU! I have discovered only this past year how much I really like contemporary art, and so much so I am starting to paint it myself! Love your blog, always inspirational, which is greatly appreciated!

  19. I hope the event is a success! Sounds like a great meld of items in there! Thanks for the invitation! Maryanne :)

  20. Oh my goodness would I ever love to attend. Too bad I live in Phoenix.

  21. Oh, wish I could be there! Her art is amazing!!

  22. I live soooo close to New Orleans....I would love to go but just have too amny things going . looks wonderful. Thanks for the offer though. Maybe next time. xoxo Susie

  23. i have tagged you ...
    come dee.


  24. Great Post! Such a shame that I am so far away! I adore the built in beds!
    Kisses and have a great day!

  25. hi! i just found your blog and its beautiful! i took the tour of your home and its gorgeous! i just became a follower and i am looking forward to it!

  26. Tara's store is heaven and the art work of Michelle will look amazing in that space. What a wonderful idea for a show! Sorry to be in Connecticut
    and miss it. E & R

  27. I love, love Tara Shaw's work. she did an opening of a store in Little Rock and we got to meet her and visit. She was so gracious. We had our picture taken with her and blogged about the whole experience back in March. This sounds like a great event with the beautiful art as well.

    Just posted some lovely pics of our new home that I think you would really enjoy. would love for you to hop over and take a peak. Thanks. Mona


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