Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Beauty of Sea Cliff!

Something always draws me back to the beautiful coast of Maine. Perhaps it is the spectacular ocean views against the rough and craggy rocks, but I remain quite taken with the Maine coast.
Recently the historic "Summer Cottage", Sea Cliff came on the market. Sea Cliff, built in 1914 is perched high on the rocks with panoramic views and overlooking the Portland Lighthouse. The stone work in the house is amazing. Notice the original fireplace above. With such a striking wall of stone, the owner needs to do very little decorating. The masonry speaks for itself.
Of course the original kitchen from 1914 has been thoughtfully renovated.
The breakfast room has outstanding views. You can see the lighthouse through the main picture window to the left.

The home retains many of its original features, which have been untouched over the years, including the second floor landing. The wainscotting and beamed ceilings are so beautiful. I like how they turned this area into a mini gallery space.

The upper deck also has amazing views. The railings are interesting with clear Plexiglass. I wonder if they get cloudy from the ocean salt spray.
To see more of this wonderful, historic home click here. Are you as in love with this Maine "Summer Cottage" as I am?

(all photos mls)


  1. That upper stairway hall simply speaks to me....wonderful!
    I'll check out the MLS...thanks

  2. It is truly a beauty with spectacular views. The second floor landing is amazing!


  3. WOW - Can you imagine?? Thanks for sharing.

  4. sighs to have a home like that, last week i sighed over Marylin Monroes home 3.5 million only home she ever owned is up for sale i swear if i was RICH oh well never hurts to dream........btw do you know whos property this might belong to?

  5. Just a wonderful house, thanks for the nice post, will pass it on to friend, who was the "Island King" sales in Maine, thanks

  6. It is amazing how small this house looks in the second photo - there it really looks like a cottage. The view is magical. I only wonder how it would be to live there in a big thunderstorm during wintertime...

  7. Goodness... what a view! Beautiful stone work in that house as you said.

  8. That last photo was amazing!


  9. Breathtaking~! Nice respite from a Manic Monday:)

  10. I love the homes of coastal Maine. This one is definitely in a great location. Love the views!

    ~ Tracy

  11. Gorgeous!! I don't know which is prettier, the inside or the outside!!

  12. Thank you so much for this post! We have sailed from Newport to Portland many times, and so the lighthouse is a welcome sight and I know the house from the water.

    The problem with sailing is one is stuck on the boat and driving around to see houses is almost impossible. All the houses we pass I wonder about life inside. You've opened a wonderful peak.

    And seriously, this is a great price! Off to buy lottery tickets and dream a little dream.


  13. We were in Camden in December for the Holiday by the Sea...Adorable town.

  14. Amazingly beautiful….spectacular view.
    Sweet Blessings,

  15. Beautiful views! It all somehow looks so cool and I am so hot right now.

  16. That's some 'cottage'! Now back to reality ...


  17. Let's move in together! I take the west wing - the one with the room in your first image, right? Our Hubsters can come home with crab while we babble, fix, decorate and enjoy the views! (:

    Warm hugs to you (sorry I am so summer blog lazy).


  18. Oh, it is gorgeous! Do you think I can scrounge up enough change from my sofa cushions?

  19. What a stunning home, those views from the kitchen picture window are to die for. I would love to go to Maine some day, It's just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Take Care, Carrie

  20. What an amazing home, with spectacular views. I'll take it. Thanks for sharing.

    Take Care. Carrie

  21. 'They' certainly do not build them like this any more and the view itself is worth the price tag. I'm in love. :)

  22. Love the plexiglass idea! So many times you sit and all you see is railing. Say, I can't access your email, and I'd like to ask you something. Thanks, -susan

  23. Gorgeous house and the view is incredible. Thank you so much for sharing.

  24. Lovely....thank you for the link.....I think I'll just write a check....smiles....

  25. The house are absolutly wonderful. A dream for everyone. Thank you for this demonstrate of this beautyful place regards jürgen

  26. Hi There-
    I just found your blog and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your home tour! You have amazing taste, all of your renovations are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!
    Take care

  27. I am loving this cottage too! Wonderful finish work. It is truly breathtaking.

  28. Oooh, so glad you shared this house -- or should I say the views from this house? Stunning. It's so different from the coast of Florida, but absolutely gorgeous. You've inspired me to book a trip up there.


  29. WOW!What a beautiful place!!!!!It is truly stunning! I love the first picture with the telescope.......Thanks for the vacation....Maryanne :)

  30. What a gorgeous home. It's like a fantasy!

  31. This is gorgeous. I especially love the setting. Can you imagine waking up to those views every morning?

  32. Your blog is beautiful! I am your newest follower. *hugs*

  33. And how much you said was it to rent this place for a little getaway vacation? ;)
    Now after seeing this I'm really ready for vacation.
    Just awesome pictures and I don't know if I like the interior pictures or the pictures from the outside. The last image is the one that for sure makes me wanting to pack my suitcase.

  34. Yes! In absolute love with this charming home, and the surrounding bluffs and views as well...beautiful!

  35. If I one day sell my house in Sweden I definitely will set my sights on Maine. So beautiful!

  36. Just beautiful! The views are amazing! How I would love to have a "cottage" like this one!! Fabulous.

    I love the breakfast area.


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